Behind the Camera

Moments captured on film, never grow up.
My concept of the perfect photo is to capture a moment in time that shows you. ~ Kimberlee
My Journey Into Photography
Growing up, my father always had a camera in his hands. He took photos on his trips, of my horseshows, and countless family moments. {btw, I was a total stinker growing up, and there are countless photos of my tongue sticking out, :-P} He was one of the first people to embrace digital photography when Olympus came out with their first cameras. He and I took a trip to Africa when I was twenty, and spent the trip taking photos of everything. Sharing these photos of such an amazing trip with everyone when we got back home was fun and exciting.
Even though my father was using quality cameras {and offering to teach me}... taking snapshots with my cellphone was the extent of my commitment to 'photography'. Point-and-Shoot cameras are easy to use, but I found that my phone would capture almost the same quality... so why carry two things? If I was going to deal with the 'hassle' of carrying two things just so I could capture quality photos, it had better be a camera that was going to take higher quality photos than the phone!
So, since printing 16" by 20" images captured by using my iPhone isn't going to produce good results, I decided to stop being intimidated by a 'real' camera and pursue photography. My current camera body is a Canon full frame DSLR, and my favorite lens is a 28mm to 300mm beast that captures images with stunning clarity.
I look forward to capturing timeless images for you to cherish! ~Kimberlee